Atlanta Family Yearbook | A Year in the Life | Fall 2022

Documentary Family Photography

My fall Year in the Life sessions were super fun. This is such a fun project that I have totally fallen in love with. It’s documentary family photography, but because I’m popping in occasionally throughout the year these kids are just used to me being around. It takes no time for them to warm up to me, but also to ignore me (because that’s where the magic happens with documentary photography).

Documentary family photography means unposed candid family photography of real life. Portraits are important too, but documentary photos preserve your memories in a special way. A real way, that transports you back to this precious moment your family is in right now.

"Chanda, If we could afford it, I’d offer to pay you to follow and photograph my family every day. These are perfect and I’m so thankful for them and you!"

What is Documentary Family Photography?

Documentary family photography is a genre of photography that aims to capture candid and authentic moments of a family's daily life, typically in their home or other familiar surroundings. Unlike traditional portrait photography, documentary family photography focuses on capturing real moments and emotions, rather than posed or staged shots.

Documentary family photographers typically work with natural light and avoid using artificial lighting or props. They also tend to use wide-angle lenses to capture more of the environment and the context in which the family lives.

The goal of documentary family photography is to create a visual record of a family's life that will be cherished for years to come. It seeks to capture the essence of a family's relationships and dynamics, and the special moments that make up their everyday lives.
Documentary family photography can be a powerful way to preserve memories and tell a family's story. It can also be an opportunity for families to reflect on their lives and appreciate the beauty in their everyday routines.

What is the Year in the Life Project?

A sort of set it and forget it, the Year in the Life project is a one year family photography subscription for Atlanta families. A kind of family yearbook, at the end of our year together I create a coffee table style photo book of the best pictures from our time together.

The subscription has three levels: one session every month, every other month, or seasonal. Each photo session is a documentary photography session--completely authentic, artful candid photography, with some portraits thrown in here and there.

Why is this project so amazing?

This project is all about the album at the end. That hit me hard as I was designing last year's albums. These families will have a book they can pull off of their shelf and look through together for so many years to come. In the album they will be able to see the love and remember these days that might otherwise be forgotten.

Because some sessions are big life moments that I tag along for, but most of the sessions are just normal everyday moments. The regular, often mundane days of family life. But through pictures I am lifting up the magic of childhood, the highs and lows of parenthood, and the connections between family members.

When can I sign up?

Sign up for Year in the Life opens December 1st, if there is space. Available spots open first to the waitlist, and then to the broader public. This project is based on the calendar year, however individualized subscription packages are available based on life events, like your baby's first year of life.

Enjoy some favorites from some of my Fall Year in the Life sessions.

A fun trip to a pumpkin patch and petting zoo:

And another fun trip to a pumpkin patch, followed by s’mores at home:

Halloween! What fun to meet up with this family as they prepared to go trick-or-treating in the neighborhood:

A family yurt camping trip at Stone Mountain was super fun to drop by and document a couple of hours:

Year in the Life is subscription family photography that makes art out of your life that is turned into a gorgeous family yearbook. It’s offered three ways: monthly, bi-monthly or seasonal sessions. Learn more here.

woman holding a photo album

Chanda Williams is a documentary family photographer in Atlanta, making art of the beautiful mess that is real life.


Igleheart Family Photography Session in Oakhurst


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