Baby's First Year: Milestone Moments to Cherish Forever
Inviting a family photographer into your home to capture your Baby's First Year will only increase in value over time…
Of course everyone knows that adding a baby to your family is a gigantic transition, full of change for the whole family. I think it surprises many new parents how quickly it went by in hindsight. It is the longest year of your life that goes by the fastest.
It’s a lot to make sure this tiny person who relies completely on you is surviving and thriving! Then you add your sleep schedule being different and your relationships within the family changing and adapting, and what seems like a long year at the time is gone and you have a toddler that you are chasing.
The Baby’s First Year Project is a series of three sessions; newborn, 6 months and 1 year old, of mostly candid documentary photography. Your favorites from these three sessions are printed in gorgeous album to share with your children, grandchildren, and yourself once this baby is all grown up!
There are three aspects of a baby’s first year of life that I find fascinating, and that I always try to document: Feeding, Learning to walk, and the relationship with siblings (including pets!)
No matter how you decide to feed your newborn baby, it’s a beautiful process. You are either developing a breastfeeding relationship or you are figuring out the formula that your baby likes best, and learning how to make bottles. Feeding your newborn is often quiet bonding time that feels constant but is not often documented through pictures.
Before you know it you are introducing solids, which is it’s own fun adventure! The sweet potato covered face and the spilled milk, I’m here for all of it. By the time I visit for our 1 year old session she’ll be using her own little utensils or picking her own tomatoes:
When our newborns arrive they can barely move at all. Then in just one short year they roll over, they sit up on their own, they crawl and they walk (or almost). So amazing that this happens in such a short time, and it’s really fun to see this progression in the Baby’s First Year photo album:
The sibling relationship is something that is truly precious and special. It embodies a unique bond that often lasts a lifetime, filled with shared experiences, memories, and a deep understanding of one another. It changes so much over the course of Baby’s First Year, and often goes from curious and observant to rowdy and rough and tumble:
It’s an understatement to say that so much changes in the first year of a baby’s life, and with this photo project you can sort of set it and forget it and be sure you won’t miss it. I’ll reach out when it’s time to schedule your next session, and then I’ll design your album and order it for you. A gorgeous album full of your favorites from the year. Easy-peezy, stress free family photojournalism to tell your story.
So How Does Baby’s First Year Photo Project Work Exactly?
Baby’s First Year costs $3,068, and this cost is spread out over the year. Booking requires a $500 deposit, and once your baby arrives we will schedule the newborn session, as well as establish a 12 month subscription with 12 monthly payments of $214. As the time approaches I will reach out to schedule your 6 month and 1 year session. If you’d like to mark your favorite photos in your on-line gallery, I’ll use those pictures to include when I design and order your album. You will also choose the album cover that you like best.
Enjoy a few more of my favorites from this precious girl’s first year:
Let’s talk more about documenting your little one’s first year! Click the button below to reach out.